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LTO3 information, ingredients, action, where to buy LTO3, dosage, LTO3 experiences and more

LTO3 information and buy LTO3

The best way to buy LTO3 here at the official authorised distributor. They have the expertise, offer good information and aftercare and have direct contact with the manufacturer. Here, you always pay the lowest price, and if you order 2 or more LTO3 pots, you pay no shipping costs.

> Order LTO3 from authorised distributor (lowest possible price)

What is LTO3 and what does it do for people?

Buy LTO3, the original. What is LTO3

LTO3 is a 100% natural product containing very pure and high quality, ecological ingredients. It originated in Canada, but has become fairly exclusive in the Netherlands and surrounding countries. for sale.

LTO3 relaxes the body, while the mind remains clear and alert. People report experiencing more calmness, better concentration and improved stress resistance. Both in children and adults. It also works uplifting, improves sleep and reduces irritability.

It is used by more and more people, with great success, for a variety of complaints. Unfortunately, we are no longer allowed to list all of these specific complaints and diagnoses. Further down the page, however, you will read about some of the characteristic benefits and properties of LTO3. You will also find LTO3 user experiences. Below you can now read more about the ingredients in LTO3.

The ingredients in LTO3

The 3 main ingredients in LTO3 are L-Theanine, Omega 3 fish oil in the form of Sementis complex and Blue Mugwort. These ingredients together, in the right dosage, provide a synergistic effect. This means that they reinforce each other's effect.


LTO3 owes its special effect and exclusivity in part to Sementis. This is a very high quality ecological ingredient complex with various positive properties for the body. In addition to containing very pure fish roe of wild caught Atlantic herringalso vitamin C, zinc, selenium and L-arginine-rich polypeptides. The balanced composition of Sementis maximises the bioavailability of active compounds and therefore provides a strong synergistic effect. Below you can read some specific characteristics of the Sementis complex:

Properties of the powerful Sementis complex in LTO3
  • 100% ecological
  • Very high bioavailability of pure omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA)
  • Strong antioxidant properties
  • A positive effect on the immune system and intestinal flora
  • Strengthens nerve signals in the brain
  • Has a positive effect on dopaminergic functions and the hormonal system, among others
  • Increases the level of dopamine available in the brain
  • Helps in the prevention of cellular ageing process
  • Helps in cell repair
  • Supports blood pressure, the heart and the vein walls
  • Contains easily absorbable vitamin C, zinc and selenium

For more information on the composition of LTO3, the ingredients in LTO3 such as L-theanine and Blue Herbs, and further information on how they work, please visit the LTO3 product information page.

LTO3 experiences

More and more people report great benefit from LTO3. Unfortunately, LTO3 experiences do not allow us to reflect which diagnoses they are specifically taking it for or which medications they were able to stop taking. Below are some LTO3 user experiences where we have omitted a named diagnosis or medication from some:

Marry van Dijke

" I can hardly believe it. This morning I gave 2 tablets to my 8-year-old son who has very poor concentration skills, is very hyperactive and highly sensitive. Today, the teacher came out especially with him. I thought, "What has he done now?" Turns out that for the first time he had finished his maths work without prompting..... she was totally amazed. And this afternoon, for the first time in his life, he spent 20 minutes lying quietly on a beanbag in the sunshine, which he normally wouldn't do for a minute..... This is almost too good to be true.... I hope it stays that way.

Family van 't Hof

"Our son has been using LTO3 for 3 weeks now and we are very satisfied with it. He had when he used ....... When he used (we are not allowed to show this medication) he suffered a lot from the side effects and because of this he regularly did not feel fit and now he does not suffer from this anymore. He is also doing well at school so we definitely want to continue using it. Greetings family van 't hof".

S Barendsen

"I have started taking LTO3 (last Saturday) and I must say, I am completely surprised, amazed and happy with how LTO3 works. What a fantastic product! Actually from the first 3 capsules I feel much more calm in my head, in my body, more focus, clear, relaxed, less easily irritated, irritated, impatient and less hyper. I am completely amazed!!!"

P Hillen

"My son who has A...(diagnosis not to be displayed) has been using LTO3 for about 2 weeks now. He is thirteen years old and uses 2 capsules a day. What I notice is that he is calmer, thinks more and does things now without grumbling. So it has a positive effect. He is also doing well at school.


"We have been using LTO3 for about a month now. We had (and, to be honest, have) our doubts about how it works. However, our son now says that he feels comfortable with it and that he notices a difference when he does not use it for a day. That is why we have placed a new order."

For more LTO3 experiences you can go elsewhere on the Internet. There are several independent websites that provide comprehensive information on LTO3 We also continuously add new LTO3 user experiences. We recommend the links shown.

Do you want to Try LTO3 yourself then you can use the original product here order from the authorised distributor.

Benefits of LTO3

The advantage of LTO3 is that it is 100% natural and the people who use it hardly ever experience any side effects. In the past 12 years that it has been used in Canada, side effects have hardly ever been reported.

fit and vital with lto3, how fast does lto3 work?

Another advantage is that LTO3 can be used safely by anyone aged 3 and above and has no contraindications with other drugs and medicines. LTO3 is not harmful in any way.

In addition, LTO3 works for 8-10 hours during the day, is non-addictive and has no rebound effect. This effect means that complaints temporarily worsen when the effect is less, as is often the case with medication.

Below is a list of benefits where LTO3 can help you.

LTO3 has been proven in a very large number of people to...

  • Improvement of the state of mind
  • Increased relaxation and rest without drowsiness
  • Improved concentration and alertness
  • Reduction of emotional and physical fatigue
  • Promoting sleep
  • Reduction of stress and anxiety
  • Improving learning ability, thinking skills and memory
  • Reduction of restlessness

General features and benefits of LTO3

LTO3 has several properties. Below you can find out exactly which ones they are.

  • 100% natural product with ingredients of the highest possible purity
  • Works within 30 - 40 minutes after ingestion
  • Long-lasting effect of 8 - 10 hours during the day
  • Strengthens the immune system and intestinal flora
  • A strong antioxidant effect
  • Improves the transmission of impulses in the brain
  • Suitable for adults and children from 3 years of age
  • It has proved to be an excellent alternative for many people with various complaints
  • Capsules are easy to open to mix in water for example
  • LTO3 has no side effects
  • No contraindications known with medication
  • LTO3 does not have a rebound effect whereby symptoms worsen after application.
  • LTO3 is not addictive

For answers to frequently asked questions About LTO3 you can here watch.

Below are some answers to questions about LTO3.

What does LTO3 stand for?

LTO3 stands for L-theanine Omega 3. However, these are not the only ingredients in the supplement. LTO3 contains the Sementis complex, which includes the very pure Omega 3 fish oil. LTO3 also contains blue-glide.

How quickly does LTO3 begin to work?

In many cases, LTO3 takes effect within the first day or days. However, some people only notice an effect after 2 weeks and there are people who indicate that it only started working optimally after 6 weeks. This may have to do with the antioxidant effect, among other things.

So give your body some time to get used to LTO3. The effect of LTO3 is only truly optimal after 2 months. With some people, LTO3 just needs a little time to take effect in the body.

Please note that LTO3 is a natural remedy and does not work in the same way as pharmaceutical drugs. Once LTO3 begins to take effect, it does so 30 - 40 minutes after ingestion, and this time is very short. works Then, all day long, some 8 - 10 hours by.

What is LTO3 tasteless / No taste?

In addition to the regular LTO3, there is also LTO3 no taste. The difference is that this LTO3 is tasteless and therefore more suitable for people who want to open the capsules, for example, to mix them with some apple sauce or liquid. You experience less 'bother' from the fish taste in LTO3.

The LTO3 no-taste, however, does not contain Sementis but another high quality natural ingredient complex with vitamin C and MEG-3®. MEG-3 is a tasteless, refined and extremely pure fish oil concentrate that is produced thanks to the patented Powder-loc™ microencapsulation process. It contains high-quality Omega-3 fatty acids EPA & DHA and antioxidant oceanic DNA.

Both normal LTO3 and LTO3 no taste have the same effect.

Where to buy the original LTO3?

LTO3 is an exclusive product. You will not find it at, for example, Kruidvat or Etos. You can buy the Order original LTO3 here at the authorised distributor. There you will always pay the lowest price. They have the necessary expertise and offer excellent after-sales service, for example if you need guidance in finding the right dosage or if you have any questions. You will receive free shipping as of 2 bottles. A jar of LTO3 contains capsules. There are no LTO3 drops.

Please note: Since the end of 2017, there appear to be products on the market that are trying to imitate LTO3. They often use a different label but partly the same name. The ingredients may appear to be partly similar on the label, but in reality they are not similar in any way. First of all, they use ingredients of a much lower quality, but even more importantly, these imitations do not contain the Sementis complex or the MEG-3 fish oil concentrate of LTO3. This is precisely a very powerful ecological ingredient complex in LTO3. This is the main reason why so many people have been sharing positive experiences about LTO3 for almost 20 years.

What is Sementis in LTO3?

Sementis is a registered trademark of Ocean Nutrasciences and is aimed at the prevention of the cellular ageing process, cell repair and the stimulation of the immune system. It is a herbal hydrolysate, containing DNA (polynucleotides), arginine-rich polypeptides and high purity omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (EPA and DHA), in the form of triglycerides and phospholipids. Sementis also contains vitamin C, zinc and selenium.

The balanced ecological composition of Sementis maximises the bioavailability of active compounds and has a strong synergistic effect. Sementis offers numerous positive properties for the body that you can read more about on top of the page.

The original LTO3 from Herb-e-Concept contains the highest possible quality ingredients, including the pure Sementis complex. You will not find this Sementis complex in any other imitation supplement.

LTO3 and the Intellectual Passport

LTO3 has also been awarded the intellectual passport. That is not a coincidence. It means that the supplement cannot and must not be copied because of its exceptionally high quality. The original LTO3 has proven itself for almost 20 years to have an enormously positive effect on a variety of complaints. This is entirely due to its high ecological quality.

So don't be misled by bad imitations and choose the original. Then you can be sure of proper functioning and achieve the highest possible positive result.

> Order LTO3 from authorised distributor is a stand-alone website for information on the natural supplement LTO3. We are not a distributor or sales outlet for LTO3 and work independently.


  1. I have been giving my 6-year-old son, who is very busy in his head and body, the lto 3 no taste for 2 days now. He gets 1 pill well before breakfast through some sugar-free lemonade and 1 pill well before dinner. I notice 0 difference. Can I try giving him 2 pills in the morning or should I give it some time first?

    1. Hello Hansi, keep watching it for a while. 2 capsules might be a better dosage but considering you only started 2 days ago, you can continue with 1 capsule for a while.

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